Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I really cannot tell you how much I miss my dad. I wish he were here to see Elizabeth. He'd absolutely fall in love with her.
my dad holding newborn Bradyn

I think most days I've learned to accept the way things are now. Some days though, it REALLY hurts still.... like that day I told Bradyn to lay down on the couch to have quiet time and he said, "Mom, I miss Dada." I stopped what I was doing and sat down by him. The direction he was facing, he could see a picture of my dad. What do you say to a 3 year old about that? I said, "Me too baby," and cried. This is so hard.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday I celebrated the big 2-7. What a great day it was! We actually had a birthday party/BBQ for me this past weekend. Mom, Zach, Jenna, my mother-and-father-in-law, Tammy, Travis, Wyatt, and Kevin all came to hang out on Saturday, the 18th. Keith made a WONDERFUL meal for us: brisket (mmmm! his best one EVER!), salad, beans, and bread. Add a couple of beers and a carrot cake, and what's not to love about turning 27? I received some funny and sweet birthday cards, some money, an Itunes gift card, and the movie "Fireproof." Thank you everybody for coming to hang out, visit, eat, and sing "happy birthday" to me! Yes, I felt special!

Kevin and Zach100_1971 

100_1975 Keith and his dad, Larry

Bradyn and Auntie Jenna100_1981

100_1977Tammy, Travis, and Wyatt

Elizabeth, fast asleep!100_1980

100_1982my mother-in-law, Kris

my mom, Vicki100_1983

100_1984made my own cake, yum!

blowing out the candles!100_1989

100_1994me with Zach and Jenna

b-day roses from Keith :)100_1998  

So, with the help of some birthday cash, my husband let me get a BOB double jogging stroller for my birthday! I ordered it yesterday morning and can't wait to get it! I really want to get into running again. I LOVED running before I had children, and it's a goal of mine to one day run a marathon. I love to exercise, but I never really got back into running much after I had Bradyn. I don't know what makes me think it's going to be easier to run with 2 kids verses 1, except the fact that it's easier to strap them both in the stroller and GO! than it is to round everyone up and make it to the gym everyday. Plus, let's face it... I'm not getting any younger. I sat my marathon goal about 5 years ago, it's time!

Keith got off work early yesterday to spend the afternoon with the birthday girl. :-) Before we got too comfortable, I went out for a quick run. It was more like a run for a minute, walk for a minute, for 20 minutes. Phew!!!!! I was glad when it was over! It's definitely going to take some time to get my running legs back. I came home and we all hung out on the back porch for a few hours; it was a gorgeous day and I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend it than with my sweet little family! Hopefully 27 is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Spring!!!!!!!!

Well, it's been a while since I've updated our blog, so I have alot to write about today! I guess I'll start with where I left off last... cloth diapers. We've been using them on and off for the last 3 weeks or so. I like them alot, but I'm not a total cloth convert yet. We do cloth during the day and disposables at night and when we go out. Using cloth requires more frequent diaper changing, and if Elizabeth is actually sleeping at night, I'm NOT waking her before I go to bed to change her diaper! They have stay dry liners that I may look into for nighttime. Right now, we're just trying to adjust to this different way of diapering, and I just have the basics. Oh yes, Lizzie has a new nickname: Princess Fluffy Butt. LOL! Here are some pics of Lizzie in her new knickers.



Needless to say, I am glad Keith's two back to back weeks of traveling are over with. TGFS--thank goodness for sisters! Jenna came down the first week when Keith was in Vegas and stayed with us Tuesday-Friday; what a lifesaver she was! She helped out a ton with Bradyn, and on Tuesday/Thursday when Bradyn was in school, we went shopping. It was nice to spend some sister-time together! She's a wonderful sister and aunt. :-)  Keith got home late Friday night and on Saturday went to Academy to buy Bradyn a playscape, a purchase we have been considering for a few weeks now. The thing was a pain to put together, as none of the wood planks were labeled and none of the holes were pre-drilled; it took Keith about 15 hours total (and he had help from our neighbor and his friend Travis). Bradyn was so patient while Daddy worked and I think he thinks it was worth the wait.... he LOVES it! It's not completely finished yet. There are monkey bars, but I don't know if we're going to put those on just yet, Bradyn's still a little small for them.




The next week Keith had to go to California. He left on Tuesday morning and got home Friday afternoon. It was just the kids and me that week, but we did pretty good.... the evening gets hectic, but a couple of glasses of wine and I'm ok. ;-p

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday!!!!!!! It was so much fun dressing Elizabeth up and watching Bradyn hunt eggs in the backyard. We got up early that morning and went to church at Redeemer Lutheran in Austin. There was no Sunday school that morning, so Bradyn sat in big church with us and did exceptionally well for a 3 yr. old. I had to hold Elizabeth the whole time, but she did well too. The day started off rainey, but by the time we got out of church at 10:45, the sun had come out and it was a GORGEOUS day! We came home and took some pictures of the family and of the kids, had lunch, then Bradyn went out to hunt eggs. He was so much fun! Last year he didn't really know what was going on, but this year he was so excited and knew just what to do! Easter pics below:







We asked Keith's mom if she would mind watching Bradyn for the night, and she said yes, so Keith and I got to spend some much needed couple time together. Lizzie was there of course, but she can't talk yet, ha ha ha. She chilled on the porch with us in her bouncer while Keith and I talked and grilled steaks. It was a nice evening. Thank you Nana!

I am happy to announce that I actually got 6 1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night! I put Lizzie in bed at 10:30 and she slept until 5:30 this morning. I got in bed at 11 and was SHOCKED when I woke up and saw 5:27 on the clock! YIPPEE!!!!!

Here are some more random pics of everyone:






