Thursday, May 28, 2009

Swimming and other fun things!

Memorial Day weekend was low-key for us, we pretty much spent the weekend and Monday with ourselves. :-) I love family time and hanging out at the house. On Saturday afternoon we did actually go swimming with Kevin out in Manor. It was Lizzie's first time wearing sunscreen and a bathing suit, and her 1st time swimming. She liked it very much; she was so interested and alert. Bradyn had a blast too, of course! We got washed out by a big storm and rainfall, but we still had tons of fun! Thank you Kevin for inviting us!

Sunday included a family trip to Super H-E-B. Wow. Always an adventure with 2 kids! We came home and Keith grilled out pork chops. Here's a shot we got after it rained on Sunday....

On Monday we all got to sleep a little bit late. Bradyn normally wakes up every morning at 7am, but since the sun has been rising earlier, he's been getting up earlier. He graced us with his presence at 6:29 am Memorial Day morning. Poor little guy. If it'd been just 30 minutes later, one of us would've gotten up with him, but 6:29? Baby still asleep? Eeeek! Couldn't do it. Keith told him it was NOT time to get up yet and to go back to bed. Normally that would've elicited a fit, but he only whimpered a little and said "OK"--- slept till 8:15. :-) I spent the morning looking at and trying to decide which new cloth diapers I was going to order for Lizzie. We bought Bradyn a little pool with a slide on it and he played outside while Keith smoked a Boston Butt. No, our pool isn't as cool as Kevin's, but it'll have to work. Bradyn had the best time swimming, sliding, playing with water squirters, and running around.

When Lizzie woke up from her LOOOOONG nap, we went outside and played with brother in the pool, not even bothering to put a swim suit or swim diaper on her! That evening, we had the most delicious pulled pork sandwiches. My husband is becoming a master at grilling and smoking. Everything he makes is so delicious and I am glad he has so much fun cooking out!

Elizabeth is now obsessed with putting either her hands (more specifically her thumb)or her feet in her mouth. Yes, over the weekend she learned to suck on her toes. It's HILARIOUS and quite adorable.

Look at that flexibility!

Bradyn's new thing is he lays down by Elizabeth and looks into her eyes and says, "Ewizabuf, I wuv you. You're my best friend Ewizabuf." SOOOO sweet! She loves watching Bradyn as he's playing too. Bradyn can provide her (and me) with hours of non-stop activity and excitement. Keyword: non-stop. :-)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Sunday, on Mother's Day, May 10th, Keith and I had the children baptized at Redeemer Lutheran Church. It was a very special, memorable day (ah, memorable, thanks to Bradyn... in a nutshell: a 3 year old and a temper tantrum, enough said). In other news, Elizabeth has blossomed the last 2 weeks! She hit 3 months and all of a sudden started doing everything at once! She now: sleeps through the night (AMEN!), touches her toes, looks at her hands (and I think she's starting to realize they're connected to her body!), supports her weight on her legs when we pull her to standing, and at exactly 3 1/2 months (5/15/09), she rolled over for the first time, back to belly!!! She is such a joy and I am constantly amazed by her. The one thing she hasn't done yet is grow hair. :) I love her bald little head though! I call her "Peach" because her hair/head feel like peach fuzz when I kiss her. sooooo soft! It's one of the many names she has, along with lovebug, princess, lizzie, sweetheart, Liz Beth, sweet girl, baby, fluffy butt, and the list goes on!

Bradyn has one more full day of preschool left and then has his end of school program on Thursday, May 21st and we're done! I can't say that I'm sad; I'm ready for this school year to be over with. For the last month, Bradyn has been throwing a fit when I come to pick him up in the afternoon. He's sees me coming down the hall and shouts, "Noooooooo! I don't want to go home Mom!" Then it turns in to a big fight to get him out of the church. NOT fun with a baby and a backpack and a lunchbox and the day's art project. Oh.... being a mom sure humbles ya. If you have a thing about being embarrassed, having children will pretty much force you to get over it, eh, or at least deal with it more often than you wish you had to. Bradyn's at a hard age/phase right now, stuck between being a "little" boy and a "big" boy, having a new sibling in the house, not being the center of attention anymore, etc. On top of it all, he's headstrong, difficult, stubborn, determined, whatever you want to call it. We've talked to him, taken away privledges, spanked him, threatened him, reasoned with him, prayed, yelled, cried, and nothing phases him. Hopefully he'll mature over the summer so when he goes back to school in the fall we won't have this problem. If we do, I will pull him out of the program, it's that simple. I'm not paying $165/month to be mortified every Tuesday/Thursday. Forget the terrible 2's, the terrible 3's are way worse! Gotta love the kid though. Surely this hard-headed determination will serve him well later in life... (crossing my fingers!)

Friday, May 8, 2009


Aaaahhhh!!!! :)I got a FULL night's sleep last night!! I got in bed at 11pm and my feet did not hit the floor again until 7:39am! That's only because Keith had to leave for work and I had to get up with Bradyn; Lizzie is still sleeping! I cannot believe this! I'm so excited, but honestly, I feel like I got run over by a truck... hopefully I'll feel better when I wake up a little and drink my coffee. By my calculations, I figure I'm about 150 hours short on sleep since Jan. 28. :-)It was so nice to REST last night; thank you GOD!

Speaking of God, we are having the children baptized at Redeemer Lutheran this weekend. We're having a private ceremony after the church service. Bradyn's godparents are David and Hafida Becker (my sister-and-brother-in-law) and Elizabeth's godparents are our good friends Tammy and Travis Allen. My mother, brother, and sister are coming in tonight to stay the weekend with us. Zach and Keith are going to hang out Travis' house for a "guy's night" in celebration of Travis' birthday. Keith, David, and my father-in-law Larry are going to play golf tomorrow morning, and then in the afternoon we're having a BBQ in celebration of Zach's 21st birthday (tear, :-( can't believe he's 21 already..). Then Sunday is the baptism and Mother's Day! What a fun-filled, busy, blessed, exciting weekend we have planned! I've gotta get busy making a cake for Zach and getting this house cleaned. Happy Mother's Day to all you mommas out there!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

a formal announcement...

Well, just to make it official and to make myself really accountable, I'd like to announce that I'm currently training for the San Antonio Rock-N-Roll 1/2 Marathon on November 15th!!! I made this decision shortly after my birthday, and after I ordered my jogging stroller. I wrote in one of my blog posts that it was time I did this, and it really is. I need to quit just saying that and DO IT already! I found the race through something I was looking at on the internet and decided right then and there that I was going to do it. I've even gotten a couple of friends on board with me and I'm so excited that we can all train and be in this together!

So, I've been running every other day for the last 2 weeks and it feels soooooooooo good. I've missed it. The first few days were hard; I felt clunky, sloppy, and completely uncoordinated on the road. My right knee hurt, my left calf got some weird twitching pain in it, and my breathing was heavy and not patterned with my steps. I'm starting off VERY slow: run 1 minute, walk 1 minute for 20 minutes. Then I ran 1 1/2 min., walked 1 1/2 minutes. Today I ran 2 mintues and walked 1. I'm already getting it back; it gets better every time I go and things are starting to feel familiar again. My mind just goes like it used to back in the day, and I find myself thinking of all sorts of things besides when my time is up or when can I walk again? I really can't believe that I can consider myself a runner.... In high school I was always the "fast little white girl" and consequently, did short, fast races when I was on the track team. Ariel and I used to HATE long distance days (and Ariel is one of the girls doing the 1/2 marathon with me now!). I've also lost 3 lbs. and 2% body fat already! I have about 5 lbs. to go before I'm back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Thank goodness something is working.... this baby belly hasn't been as easy to get rid of the 2nd time around!

It feels so good to have a goal and something to work towards. It feels good to do somthing I enjoy. It feels good to do something for myself. I've been considering making a separate blog on the joys of running :) and my journey to the 1/2 so I don't bore you with the details in the family blog. That way, if you want to read it you can, and if not, you don't have to. I want to because I think it's going to be interesting to see myself evolve as a runner and an endurance athlete over the next few months. I'm soooooooooooo excited, ready for the journey, and up for the challenge.

Anyways, hmmmm. Kids are doing good. Keith's good. I'm good. I've been pretty freaked out about the swine flu thing. It's very scary, especially when you have young children. I pray we don't come in contact with it, with all the places we go and all the people we see and all the things we touch. With Keith traveling, Bradyn going to school, and me going to the grocery store------AAAHHHH! I get queasy just thinking about all the germs we come in contact with. Hopefully it'll pass and won't come back in the fall.

Bradyn has 5 more full days of school left and he's out for the summer. May 21st is his end of school program. He's such a smart boy and has grown leaps and bounds since September when we put him in the program. I am so proud of him. Bradyn can usually be found stripped down to his underwear being a superhero. Every morning he takes his PJs off and announces, "I have to be a superhero now Mom!" LOL. Lizzie is doing great also; growing like a weed! We got on the scale today and I think she's already weighing about 14 lbs! She is coming out of the newborn phase and getting such a little personality. She has a beautiful disposition and is usually a very content baby. She is holding her head up now, no problem at all, and can roll over with a little assistance (she holds onto Keith's finger and pulls herself over, back to tummy). She sits in her Bumpo chair and looks around. SO cute!!! I am grateful to God always for these kids (even on days when I want to pull my hair out!); I have been blessed beyond belief and I have so much love in my heart for my wonderful, amazing husband and precious babies. :)