Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm obviously pathetic....

...at blogging. Ok, after saying last year that I would make more of an effort to blog, and then not doing it, I really did let the blog go by the wayside after a few months. I thought, "I just really don't have time to do it." Which is kind of true, but after reading back on some old blog posts the other day, and laughing and crying, I thought, "I may not have time for this, but I need to MAKE time for this." There are just too many precious memories to not do it! When something priceless happens, you think you'll never forget it, but alas, it happens. Life keeps going. Things keep happening. My mind keeps slipping. Really! I'll probably be one of those little old ladies who has Alzheimer's, because right now I think I'm one of those little not-so-old ladies who has Alzheimer's! I used to have one heck of a good memory, but kids have changed that. No doubt, keeping up with phone numbers, grocery lists, social security numbers, shot records, birthdays, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, all other kinds of appointments, school days, T-Ball practice, T-Ball games, bunco, MOMS club activities, playgroup dates, due dates for bills, ya da ya da ya da, I could go on and on.... so, a datebook these days is a must. My pea-brain can't remember it all anymore. If I don't have your birthday on my calendar, I cannot be held responsible for forgetting it (thank goodness Facebook reminds me!)

Anyways, the kids are doing good. It was a long, fun (and exhausting) summer, and Bradyn is starting his last year of preschool tomorrow. Amen. I feel so bad when I say that, but boy, that kiddo is sure giving us a run for our money. Bradyn is so smart and loving, but we're experiencing some really bad behavioral problems with him. I don't want to go into too much detail on here; it's exhausting to deal with and I really don't want to re-hash it on here, nor do I want to talk bad about him. We love Bradyn so much and he is a precious kid, just hard to live with sometimes.... Hopefully some of what is going on with him will be revealed to us shortly.

Miss Lizzie is doing great; she's growing like a weed! Baby girl finally has a little bit of hair on her head! Yay for bows! She's tall and skinny, and absolutely beautiful! At 18 months, she started talking in full sentences, not all the time of course, mostly when she was frustrated... she would have word explosion! "I want down!" "I want up!" "I want that towel!" etc. etc. It's awesome! Pretty much anything I ask her to say, she can! She loves to read books, play baby dolls, and have tea parties. Yes, already! It's precious! She arranges a bunch of play food on plates, gets cup and pours "tea" in them and stirs them with a spoon! Having a girl is alot of fun. I'm all about cars and robots and transformers and tools and blowing stuff up with Bradyn, but I'm finding it much easier to relate to Elizabeth's play... gentle, nurturing, etc.

I'm going to leave off here. I'm going to make a HUGE effort this week to write a little bit at a time so I don't feel so overwhelmed by trying to get the last 10 months down NOW. The kids are napping and I need to get in the shower. I'm making a new mom in my MOMS club dinner tonight, and I need to get busy!