Tuesday, August 19th is my dr. appt. and I am going to ask the doctor to do a sonogram to see if we can determine the sex of the baby. I have to know; it's driving me crazy! The reason I am going to ask (beg!) is because at my last appointment I asked the dr. when we would find out the sex (we found out with Bradyn at 15 weeks, 2 days) and he said at the level II sonogram in September (I'll be 20 weeks). I sighed and said, "Oh, that's so long to wait!" Dr. Crumb THEN said, "Well, next time you come in, we may play around and see if we can see something." HA!!!! Sorry, you cannot say that to a pregnant woman and then expect me to wait until September. They better stick me in that sonogram room when I go in!!! I will make a new blog post Tuesday afternoon or evening to share the news if we are ever so lucky as to find out this early. Boy or girl, we are so excited.
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