Monday, September 29, 2008

Rest in Peace, Grandpa Becker

Well, needless to say, the last few days have been difficult and very emotional.... Keith's Grandpa Becker passed away last Wednesday, September 24th. We are going to miss him so much; he was a very special person. The funeral was on Saturday, the 27th and it was a beautiful service. It's so hard when someone dies, it's just hard to believe they're gone... I still can't believe my dad is gone sometimes. I hope Keith is ok. I think he will be, but it sure does hurt me when I see him cry. I wish I could make it all better, but I can't. Death is a part of life. We are going to miss Grandpa Becker so much!!! I told Keith that Dad and Grandpa are hanging out together in heaven right now. :)

Also, I believe Keith and I have picked out our little girl's name. It's going to be Alexandra Grace Becker. Alexandra means "helper of mankind" and Grace means "blessing from God." I love it!! I bought her bedding yesterday on and got a great deal. I got the quilt, bumper pad, fitted sheet, drapes, dust ruffle, hamper, and diaper stacker.

alexandra's bedding  

alexandra's bedding2

I am trying to get this house cleaned out and get rid of anything that is not contributing to my sanity. It's difficult though, some days I have a hard time chunking things; I am a very sentimental person, and stuff I can't seem to get rid of gets shuffled from room to room. It's madness! It is definitely crunch time in the Becker household though.... if October flies as quickly as this entire year has, it'll soon be Halloween! Then in November, we have 2 friends having babies, one is due on the 1st and the other on the 13th I believe, there's Thanksgiving, Bradyn's birthday party (I think it's going to be the weekend right after Thanksgiving), the one year mark of my dad's death (which is totally going to throw me for an emotional loop, I already know it), Christmas, New Year's, I'll probably have a baby shower in early January, and then it's baby girl time! Please pray for us and all that's been going on in our life lately, the wonderful blessing of this baby girl and our recent loss of Grandpa Becker. 

1 comment:

The Andreuccis said...

That is a beautiful name! I'm glad you decided to share it with us!!! :-) (The bedding is very cute too!)