Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, I had went to the doctor on Wednesday and had my first exam. I was 1-1.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced. Not too bad.... 

I can tell things are going on down there, and I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions like crazy, but nothing regular or even painful.

Keith is sick now, but I think his is allergies (darn cedar!!!!). I'm over my cold, but of course am having allergy trouble too. I've recently discovered (thanks to my mom) the "Neti Pot" which I think is one of the most wonderful things ever. Basically, it's a sinus wash. It's a thing that looks like a little genie lamp and you pour water and a saline solution in one nostril and let it drain out the other. Kinda disgusting, but WOW! It works wonders. I wish I could get Keith to try it, but he won't. :(

Well, we're all playing the waiting game right now. I'm trying to keep the house clean and stocked with food, paper towels, milk, juice, toilet paper, etc. I'm trying to keep it clean as well, without killing my back or wearing myself out too much. All of our bills are paid for February. Bradyn is so excited to meet his baby sister. He'll ask us in the mornings if "Elizabeth Reese is coming to our house today". Poor guy! I know he thinks this baby is never going to show up! I'm starting to think that too, but it's all in God's timing. Everyday that goes by is one day closer to meeting our angel. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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