Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome Elizabeth!

Keith and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Elizabeth Reese Becker, on January 30, 2009. She was born at 2:50 am, weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz., and was 19 3/4 inches long. She is an angel and our whole family is so in love with her. Bradyn has been a terrific big brother so far, he pats Elizabeth's head so softly, and gives her gentle kisses on her cheeks and forehead. He is VERY concerned when she cries ("Mom! What's wrong with Elizabeth Reese?!"), which she actually doesn't do that often! I have been up and down around the clock nursing Elizabeth, which is tiring, but soooooooo worth it. I'm a huge advocate of breastfeeding, and I am happy that Elizabeth has taken to it so well. I can't wait to see what she weighs at her 2 week appointment this Friday.

Keith and I did get a natural labor and birth experience like we wanted. It was simply AMAZING. It's hard to describe the whole thing in just a sentence. Our doula, Amanda, came for a postpartum visit last week, and she presented Elizabeth with her birth story. I asked Amanda if I could share it with you in my blog and she said sure.


January 30, 2009

Dear Elizabeth,

Welcome to the world! It was such an honor to be present for your birth and I would like to tell you a little about it.

As the anticipated time of your birth approached your parents busily made your room ready for your arrival. They painted it pink, bought new linens, and put away all of the amazing gifts you had already received from family and friends. Your mother anticipated your birth with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She and your father had prepared extensively for your birth by taking natural childbirth classes, changing to a new doctor and hospital, and hiring a doula to assist them along the way. They were both very committed to giving you a healthy, calm and peaceful entry to this world.

As the day got closer, your mother tried several things to encourage labor. She ate spicy food, pineapple, and eggplant but you had your own plan. On Thursday, January 29th, your mother experienced mild contractions throughout most of the day but didn’t think much about them. After putting your brother Bradyn to bed, she ate a late dinner and stepped into a warm shower. Your father was in the family room relaxing and watching television when he heard loud knocking on the wall adjoining the bathroom. He quickly went to your mother to check on her and discovered that her water had broken. It was finally time for you to make your entry! Your mother called your Nona to tell her the good news and called me as well. Contractions had not started and she was going to wait until they were strong and regular before having people come to the house. She was going to call the doctor and let her know and would get back with me afterwards. Just ten minutes later your mother called me to say that she was going to get back in the shower and try to get some sleep afterwards. I next heard from your father around 11:15pm when he called to tell me that your mother was having contractions every 3-4 minutes and that she was handling them beautifully. She planned to stay at home and I made my way to your house.

When I arrived at your house, I found your mother having a contraction while leaning over the bed. Your Aunt Jenna was sitting on the bed timing the contractions with the help of a computer while your father got me up to date with what had been happening since we last spoke. Your mother’s contractions had never slowed down. In fact, they were now 2-3 minutes apart. Between each contraction, she would look up with a big smile on her face and cheerfully talk to us. I sat there for about 20 minutes in utter amazement at how this labor was progressing and how energetic your mother was despite what should have been pretty intense contractions. We made sure she drank plenty of water between contractions and your father rubbed her legs while she leaned over the bed. Between contractions she would talk to us as if it was just a regular day. Despite this, I still had a feeling that this might happen a little quicker than usual. While your mother was in the bathroom I suggested to your father that he go ahead and put everything in the car so that we may leave quickly when the time came.

About 30 minutes after I arrived, your mother had a contraction that really got her attention and she said, “This one is different!” Your mother wanted to wait for your Nona to arrive before heading to the hospital, so I asked your father to call her to get an idea of when she would be arriving. Things were indeed happening quickly. When Nona arrived, we quickly said our hellos and your father helped your mother into her shoes so we could leave. Contractions were every two minutes now and your mother would have to pause and drape herself over your father as he held her close. On the way out, your mother quietly slipped into your brother’s room to kiss him goodbye. Your Nona and I both were touched by that sweet moment.

Your father quickly got your mother in the car and Nona and I followed. About half way there I noticed that your father had sped up significantly and I knew something must be happening! When we arrived at the hospital and I saw your father help your mother out of the car, I knew we needed to hurry. Her contractions were very intense and coming very quickly. We got her up to the labor and delivery floor and the registration clerk started asking your mother lots of questions. Your mother answered a few questions and then said, “I can’t answer your questions right now! This baby is coming out right now!” I had to chuckle at this. The nurses eyes widened and we were miraculously whisked to the room where we quickly helped your mother to the bed. A nurse examined her and confirmed that she was definitely ready to give birth. About this time your Nana arrived and was guided to the room by one of the nurses.

While we waited for the midwife to arrive, it was very obvious that you were not going to wait. Your mother did an unbelievable job of staying calm and focused. She would take a deep breath as each contraction started and breathe rhythmically throughout. Your father kneeled on the floor beside her and held her hand. Your mother needed to look directly into his eyes to stay focused and your father was right there for her. The nurses were hurriedly getting everything ready for your birth and calling the hospitalist that was on call for these situations. We could already see your head starting to emerge when the doctor stepped into the room. No one needed to guide your mother and tell her what to do. She gently started to push and the room got very quiet and still as we watched. Lisa, the midwife, arrived just in time to support your head as you emerged. I was in awe of how gently your mother guided you into the world. As we could see more of your slippery pink body, I told your mother to look down at you. The look on her face was priceless. It was a combination of relief and amazement. Your grandmothers looked on crying happy tears and your father had a huge smile on his face. At 2:50am, January 30, 2009 you were born into this world. Just 4 ½ hours after active labor started for your mother.

As Lisa made sure your mother was doing well and was comfortable, your father followed you to the warmer for your assessment. He leaned over the warmer and spoke to you for the first time. You barely cried and instead seemed to be calmed by hearing your father’s voice. Your mother could see you a few feet away and commented on your cute feet that you were holding in the air. Finally, it was time for you to come back to your mother to have your first chance at nursing and cuddling. Your father carried you in his arms to your mother and lay you on her chest. A family was born. Your mother put you directly on her chest so you could get warm and smell her. You were so calm and peaceful. At first you were only interested in nuzzling and smelling your mother but just 20 minutes later you latched perfectly and started nursing for the first time. We all finally sat down and discussed what had just happened. Your father said that he had quite a story to tell at the reunion of parents who had taken Bradley classes together. Your parents were amazed at how quickly you had been born. Most of all, we were all in awe of your mother’s strength. She did a beautiful job birthing you and your father was an amazing support for her.

Elizabeth, your parents were committed to giving you a calm, peaceful and healthy birth and you experienced just that. Your birth was a beautiful event. The amazing bond that I saw between your parents will be your foundation for growing up in a family full of love and support. I hope your life is full of joy, wonder and love. You are blessed to have two loving parents who gave you a wonderful start to life. Welcome to the world.

Your doula,

Yes, I have to hand it to Keith.... He was an amazing support in all this. In fact, he didn't just support me, he was 100% completely in it till the end with me. He read the books, happily looked forward to going to our Bradley classes, and encouraged me all along the way. When I expressed doubt, he would look me in the eye and say, "You're going to be great. We're going to do this." When I first suggested hiring a doula, it him a couple of days to warm up to the thought. Once we met Amanda, she changed his mind! Amanda was (and still is!) our rock throughout the journey, I felt completely comfortable talking to her about pretty much anything. She was a wonderful source of knowledge throughout the pregnancy, and her ability to remain calm when I felt like I was about to lose it was praiseworthy. Thank you to my mother and father-in-law for keeping Bradyn for us for 9 or 10 Sunday nights so we could attend our Bradley classes. Thank you to my mother, my sister-in-law Hafida, my friend Sarah Benn, and Tammy for all your kind words and encouragement regarding natural childbirth. Yes, it was ALL totally worth it.














The Allen Family said...

ah what a great thing that birth story was! I am so happy for you and your family!

Nicole & Anthony Hernandez said...

What a CUTIE!!!!