Tuesday, September 16, 2008

...Long week...

Well, I have to admit... things have been zipping right along and I cannot believe the 19th is almost here! I am so anxious to know what this baby is! I once had this crazy idea to not find out the sex, but that thought was long gone once I became pregnant. I admire anyone who can wait that long, esp. when modern technology has the information at your fingertips. It'd be a wonderful surprise, but I can't hold out till the end of January. Plus, if I'm having a little girly, I'm doing pink and purple and all the girl colors and I want ample time to prepare. So... while the last 4 weeks have been fast, this week is dragging. Keith left for Atlanta on Sunday, Sept. 14 at 10 am and with him gone all day, it made it seem like a weekday... so basically I walked around all day thinking it was Monday instead of Sunday. Also, Bradyn bear is sick right now and had to miss school today. His nose has been stuffy/runny for about a week, but Monday morning he woke up and it was all in his throat and he had a bad cough to go along with his stuffy nose. He knows when daddy is gone he can come sleep in the bed with me, which... yeah... meant he was the only one sleeping last night and the night before. When he's lost in dreamland, I'm busy trying to get comfortable with this growing belly of mine and my bulky body pillow,  I'm trying to fall asleep in between Bradyn hacking and breathing through a snotty, stopped up, whistling nose, and if I don't fall asleep fast enough, I have to get up and pee anywhere from 3-4 times in an hour. On top of it all, my loud horse of a dog can generally be found (and definitely heard!) barking at something ridiculous... for instance.. he generally starts barking at 6:30 every morning at the kids walking to the corner waiting for the bus (we have a corner lot, fantastic with a crazy chocolate lab... NOT!). The bus finally shows up at 6:45, which sends him into an even bigger conniption fit. He'll quiet down for a few minutes (to let me get ALMOST back to sleep) and then someone will stroll by walking their dog which gets him going again. Grrrrr. Maybe today is a grouchy day to write a blog... oh well, I'm not done yet....   ;)

Anyway, I believe my son is (hopefully) at the tail end of his terrible two's. He has been a rebellious handful lately. His favorite thing to say to me right now is "hush it mom!" and the infamous "no!". It makes me so angry. I lost it last night with Keith being gone and after repeating myself for the 2,846,433 time that day.... I started to get mad but then I just burst out crying because sometimes I don't know what to do with him! He is very headstrong and stubborn and it seems like nothing works. There is such a fine line between punishment and discipline and it's hard to know when to apply which technique in which circumstance, esp. when he's awake for 15 hours out of the day, LOL! I get so exhausted. I got a book a couple of months ago called, "Making Your Child Mind without Losing Yours," ..... I think it's time to read it, along with the 50 million other things I need to do. :(  

Onto my doula search..... technically it's not a "search" anymore because we found one! We interviewed 3 doulas and they were all extremely nice and they all seemed to know what they were talking about. It was difficult to make a decision, but Keith and I feel like we chose the right one to help guide, support, and inform us throughout the pregnancy and birth. I have even considered looking into doula certification myself, not right now of course, but later on. We'll see.

Well, that's about all for today. I'll update Friday when (crossing fingers) we find out "boy" or "girl"! Sorry I rambled today.  :)

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