Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Fall!

Well, it's been about a month since I've been on here. The last few weeks have flown, just like this entire year has! We have been doing good. Bradyn's having tons of fun at school and has been enjoying the fall weather. He is looking forward to all the holidays and his birthday coming up. We had to go to the doctor last Friday because he woke up screaming that his ear hurt, and  just as I suspected, he was diagnosed with an ear infection. He's been on amoxicillin the past few days and he's feeling much better. Bradyn is very excited about going trick-or-treating this Friday; he is going to be Mr. Incredible! Keith has been busy with work (and traveling a little more than I like him to, ha ha), and has even gotten in some rounds of golf here and there. Keith's been having problems with his hands, fingers, and wrists since July and has been to several doctors trying to figure out what's going on. He's been told he has everything from aspartame poisoning to stress to maybe it's related to his heart condition, blah blah blah. He finally went to see a specialist and he definitely has tendonitis and possibly carpal tunnel syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis--they're not sure yet and he is supposed to go back for a nerve test. Wish him luck, from what we've heard, that is not a fun procedure to have done! As for me, I'm still pregnant! I am doing and feeling good, currently 26+ weeks along. I recently changed care providers as I felt my previous OB/GYN did not fully support my decision or desire to have a natural childbirth. We looked into the birthing center here in Austin and loved it, but it was out of network for our insurance and would have cost us way too much money this late in the game. My doula recommended a doctor to me who is very PRO natural birth and she and the hospital were in our network, so it all kinda seemed to work out. I am happy with our decision; the new OB and her policies sound much more in line with what I am looking for. Keith and I are also taking Bradley childbirth classes on Sunday nights and have been having a great time so far and we're learning alot. Even though we're in "class" we have fun and it's nice to be able to spend that time with him.

In other news, we recently had to bid farewell to our lab Max. He is a 90 pound puppy and was too much for us to handle. Keith is gone about every other week  and I cannot walk the dog and Bradyn at the same time, much less when I'm this pregnant. Keith has been having swelling and numbness in his hands for the past 3 1/2 months and has a hard time walking him too. It became pretty apparent that we were not the best owners for Max and we had to make the decision to give him up. It was difficult, but it's best for us and him. We know he went to a good home though; it's one of my sister in law's best friends and her husband, and Keith and I know them. They already have a 6 yr old lab so now Max has another dog to play with. We know he'll be very well taken care of. Next time we get a dog, we'll stay in the 5-20 lb range!!!

I'm going to post a few photos and then I'm off to go get Bradyn from school! Happy Halloween everyone!


Bradyn picking out pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch.


Bradyn in his Halloween shirt my mom got him.


24 week belly shot


26 week belly shot


My little pumpkin sitting with our giant pumpkin!



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