Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorry it's been a while!!!

I've been slacking with my blog, I admit. We have been so busy though; the days seem to go so fast that I can't keep up sometimes! First let me post a picture of Bradyn from Halloween since I never put one up:


He was Mr. Incredible this year and he had the BEST time helping me carve our pumpkin and trick-or-treating. He was hilarious; he would go up to people, hold out his container, and say, "I need candy!" Ha ha ha ha. He said that about 1/2 the time and "trick-or treat" the rest, but my sweet boy always said "thank-you".... such good manners! It was fun to watch him this year!

We whirled into November and through Thanksgiving and headed right into Bradyn's birthday party, which we had on Saturday, November 29th. Thank you to all who were able to join us in celebrating Bradyn's 3rd birthday.



You have no idea how happy you made Bradyn, or how much it meant to me to be able to do this this year, especially with the events surrounding this time last year. Preparing for Thanksgiving and the party was bittersweet; Thanksgiving and the Friday after being the last time I saw my dad, and December 1st and 2nd being when everything happened in the midst of what should have been a happy time. I told someone the other day it's weird how one of the happiest days of my life (the birth of my first child) can also be one of the worst days of my life (finding out about my dad). It was definitely a good decision to have the party when we did; I'm thankful I was kept busy so I didn't have so much time to think about everything. My brother and sister stayed with us a few days after the party, Zach went home to Brownwood, and then Bradyn and I went home to Kyle with Jenna to stay a couple of days. The dreaded anticipation of the one year mark was much worse than the actual day itself, thank goodness, but there were times though that I would stop what I was doing and think, this is the day it happened, this is the day we found out, visitation in Brownwood, visitation in Tahoka, day of the funeral, day of the burial, etc. This has for sure been the hardest, most difficult year of my life. I've been tested in so many ways, with my faith, patience, forgiveness, love, understanding, and guilt, on a level I could never explain to anyone; sometimes I don't understand it myself. This year I have truly had to take it one day at a time. While there are plenty of good days, some are simply overwhelming....

Well, on to happier things..... Bradyn's having a wonderful time with the holidays this year! He loves our Christmas tree, Christmas lights on the houses when it gets dark, Christmas movies, and going shopping and keeping surprises from daddy. Surprisingly, he's not too concerned with the presents under the tree. I know he can't wait to make Christmas cookies with momma!



As for me and this baby girl.... she's definitely grown since I wrote last! There's not much left to this pregnancy except her putting on a couple more inches, many more pounds, and me getting more uncomfortable! I'm having doctor appointments every two weeks now and when I went in last Friday my OB confirmed the baby was head down. There's a chance up until 35-36 weeks she could still flip, but it's unlikely since she's already in a good position. I could not ask for a healthier pregnancy (eh, with the exception of my unsightly varicose veins)... my blood pressure is normal, I have not been swelling, every test I've had has come back normal, weight gain is currently at 21 pounds, and I'm (as of now) still sleeping good at night. I have been very tired lately, and if I don't get my nap during the day, it's all I can do to keep my eyes peeled open past 9pm. My 32 week picture is below:


Keith and I only have one more childbirth class to attend and we're done! It's been over the course of 2 1/2 months (10 weeks), and we feel very confident about the upcoming birth. My wonderful husband has far exceeded my expectations in preparing for January 31st (or before, hopefully not after!). Though it is going to be tough for him to see me in pain, I know he's going to know what to do and he's going to be there for me every step of the way. We also met with our doula last Saturday, and kinda reiterated some of the things we've learned in our Bradley classes... good thing, it never hurts to hear it more than once! We also talked about being aware of the fact that sometimes a natural labor and delivery isn't possible for whatever reason and just to be well informed and have answers to all the what-ifs that may pop up.

Keith was in Boston last week. He has one more trip scheduled for this year and Bradyn and I get to go with him! We're only going to Denton, but we're still excited! We leave tomorrow and will be back Friday evening. I'm not exactly sure what Bradyn and I will do all day while Keith is training, but it will probably entail going to a mall and getting some more shopping done!

Well, Bradyn has his first ever school program tonight at Hutto Baptist Church! He and his class are going to be singing 3 Christmas songs on stage. I need to go iron the shirt he is going to wear tonight, so until next time......... ! I'll try to keep up with this better than I have been.  :)

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