Sunday, December 14, 2008

Full of Baby!

Phew! The picture is from Saturday, December 13th, 33 weeks pregnant. I'm feeling decently good but....(I've gotta gripe a little bit, c'mon!) It is becoming increasingly more difficult to take a deep breath, especially if I am sitting down. I also cannot eat as much as I used to without being stuffed as a tick for several hours. I'm going to try not to complain too much these last few weeks, but wah!!! Sometimes this little girl pokes and kicks me so hard I think her foot may pop out or she might break my ribs! This pregnancy has been so much different than when I was pregnant with Bradyn; he never moved this much! This uncomfortable, full of baby feeling is quite familiar though. Well, one thing I'm NOT going to complain about is I am still sleeping good. Sometimes my hips and back hurt in the morning, but I still sleep like a rock for the most part. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad.... it might be a rude awakening in a few short weeks when baby girl gets here and I'm having to get up 3-4 times per night!!! I can tell I have been having a little bit more trouble the more weeks preggo I get. Last night I think my hands were swelling (or fell asleep) and then I got calf cramps. My left hip was very sore. I got my nap in today though, so I'm good. :)

Well, when we got up this morning we had every intention of going to church, but I felt rough and Bradyn was still asleep when we should have been getting ready. We wussed out, and come to find out, that was a good thing. Bradyn got up and his eye had some little yellow eye boogers on it. I wasn't too worried because it's done that before, and we just attributed today to allergies. I cleaned the crusties off but noticed his eye was still pretty red. I gave him a Zyrtec thinking that should help him. I then proceeded to make homemade cinnamon rolls (YUM!!! very time consuming but well worth the wait!). Bradyn was playing and we weren't paying too much attention to his eye. Keith and Bradyn were supposed to go Christmas shopping for me today and Keith was about to get him ready when we noticed his eye was gooping up again and was redder than it had been that morning. It's gotten worse as the day has gone on. Obviously it's some type of pink eye, so we're off to the doctor again tomorrow. Sheesh! We can't catch a break money wise. It's always something!

I'm sure I have other things to write about, but I'm tired and it would probably be wise to go to bed. Goodnight!

1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

I hear ya about it always being something! I guess it won't end any time soon huh? Not for either of us. You have a newborn on the way and I have a lot of changes with a growing newborn myself! Good luck. I am right around the corner if ya need anything!