Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yee-haw Cowboy!!!

Ah, well, another Christmas is behind us. This was, by far, my most favorite Christmas with Bradyn. He has been a riot this year with everything, from shopping to wrapping presents to making cookies to singing Christmas songs. Since he just had a birthday and got to open presents, he assumed it was everyone else's birthday since everyone had presents under the tree. He would sing (VERY loudly!), "Happy Birthday to you Momma! Happy Birthday to you Daddy!....and Nana, Papa, Nona, and everyone else he could think of. It was hilarious! Of course we laughed, but then we explained to him the reason we celebrate Christmas is actually because it's Jesus' birthday. So he changed his song to "Happy Birthday to you Jesus!" Bradyn's "Jesus" sometimes comes out as "Geez-us". I love my little boy so much. He's a stinker, but gosh..... who could NOT be happy with him around?!? :-)

Traditionally, we spent Christmas Eve with the Beckers, but it was quite different this year with Grandpa Becker being gone and Grandma not at the house anymore. We relocated the get-together to my mother and father-in-law's house. It was so wonderful to spend time with the family and everyone had a great time. It was different though (and that's coming from me, someone who's only been in the family for 4 Christmases, I can only imagine everyone else).... If there's one thing I've learned though, it's that things change. You have to pick up and keep going..... 

We came home and left Santa milk and SEVERAL cookies (of which this Santa couldn't eat because I was stuffed from the Becker Christmas dinner!). We got Bradyn to bed so Santa Claus could visit. We were thinking about getting Bradyn a Power Wheels jeep, but we changed our minds and got him a Radio Flyer Spring Horse with sound. It's awesome! When Bradyn goes to his Nana and Papa's house, he rides this little wooden rocking horse with a cowboy hat on and says, "Yee-haw cowboy!" and tips his hat! It's hilarious of course, so I thought he'd really enjoy this toy. Keith had to put the thing together and it made me very glad I had a husband, LOL! I try not to be a bimbo, and I make every attempt to be a self-sufficient woman (for the most part), in the event I were ever on my own, but some things, like putting together the darn spring horse, GEEZ!!!!!!!!! It took Keith an hour and a 1/2 to put it together; it would have taken me all night! He's my hero! We finished stuffing Bradyn's stocking and then stuffed each other's and got to bed... after "eating" the cookies and "drinking" the milk.

Bradyn woke up the next morning and came and crawled in bed with us. He laid there a few minutes and it was obvious he didn't remember what was going on. Keith and I asked him who came last night and then it dawned on him! We got the video camera out and caught the whole Santa thing on video. It's priceless! He ran down the hall at first and when he rounded the corner and saw the giant horse sitting in the living room, he just stopped! He slowly walked over and, ignoring the horse, started sifting through his stocking. He picked up a plastic candy cane filled with M&M's and goes, "Oh my gosh! Candy!" We were like, "Yeah! Look at the horse!!!!!" It took him a second to warm up to it, but he soon climbed on and went to town on it. He named his horse Woody.

Leaving Santa milk and cookies


Bradyn checking out the goods......


My little cowboy!



Bradyn's big gift from momma and daddy.


And last, but not least, a belly shot... taken on Christmas day.

Almost 35 weeks. Of course Bradyn had to pose with me!


The day after Christmas my mother, Granddad, Jenna, Zach, and Zach's girlfriend Katie came to our house for a few days.  It was neat.... Christmas was technically over, but it wasn't! We all had a wonderful time.  We weren't supposed to open gifts with David and Hafida until Sunday or Monday, but they had a change of plans so we did it Saturday afternoon. Mom and Granddad went home but Jenna, Zach, and Katie were still visiting.  The kids went to the mall while we opened our presents because Zach wanted to look for a pair of jeans. You could not have paid me to go to the mall the Saturday after Christmas!!! Since plans changed and we were going to be free Sunday afternoon, Keith and I decided it would be a good day to go take a tour of the hospital I will be delivering at. Nana watched Bradyn for us and we went. North Austin just opened a new delivery ward and it was very nice! The rooms are HUGE and still sparkling! I was pretty impressed. The postpartum room was much smaller (they have plans for a new postpartum wing, but it's not done yet). It was older, much smaller, and it had a tiny, puny little loveseat in it, I guess for Keith. I am fine with old and small, but was quite disappointed in the accommodations made (or rather, NOT made) for my coach. Oh well, we'll get through it somehow. I suppose if one is tired enough, it is possible to sleep anywhere.  :-0

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!! 

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