Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby Shower!!!!!!!

Well, I had my long awaited baby shower this weekend and it was wonderful! I had so much fun and feel so blessed by all the darling little girl gifts we received. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and thank you to my wonderful hostesses, my sister-in-law Hafida and family friend, Arlene. We are definitely down to the nitty gritty with the pregnancy and the time is ticking before Elizabeth Reese makes her debut! I have been  busy sorting, organizing, and washing all of the new gifts we got yesterday. Keith vacuumed the inside of the car out today and promised me he'll get the car seat bases in both vehicles soon. My mama bird nesting instinct is kicking in heavily right now and I am getting frantic about getting everything done! We are so excited and I am trying to relish every moment of these last few days and weeks, in case this really is our last pregnancy. Part of me is nervous about labor, but another part of me is so excited for it to get here so we can DO what we've been talking about for months now. It's hard to believe the next time I see my mom I will be in labor! :-)  I have been having alot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately (it was kinda freaking me out last night with the full moon, ha ha!). I have no idea if I'm dilated or effaced at all; my doctor's office doesn't start vaginal exams until 39 weeks, basically because it's non-indicative of when labor will actually begin. I'm fine so far, labor will happen when it wants to. I'd almost rather not know if I'm walking around and am 3 cm and I still haven't packed my bags, and I'd rather not know if I'm a zero and have been having tons of BH contractions.... I'd either be on pins and needles and (psychotic!) or really disappointed! Anyways, here are a few pictures from the shower. I will post a picture of Elizabeth's room when I get the curtains hung.

diaper cake that Hafida made for me!100_1394

100_1396cake made by me :)

me and belly, 37 weeks   100_1397

100_1401Hafida, Arlene, me      

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