Saturday, January 17, 2009

of course this had to happen......

Why, oh why did I actually think I would be lucky enough to stay well this last month? Grrrrrrr!!! Bradyn got the fever bug, and mommy got some sort of cold/cough/stuffy nose/allergy bug. So, we're obviously wanting labor to wait another few days. I told Keith that when I get well we're GETTING THIS BABY OUT before anyone else gets sick, or I get sick again. I had lunch with a friend the other day and cringed when she told me she'd heard on the news that 150 kids were out of school in Taylor (the little town right next to Hutto) with the flu. :-o

I was cleaning my dresser drawers out the other day (part of this whole nesting thing I have going on right now...) and found my Care Bear shorts that I (used to) love to bop around the house in. I took a few early, EARLY pregnancy pictures in them and thought how funny it would be to get some more in late, LATE pregnancy. Excuse my face in the 38 week pics (taken today), I tried to smile to compensate for the fact that I look like death warmed over, but it didn't seem to help much. If you look closely you can see the lovely varicose veins that have overtaken my lower half, however; you will NOT see stretch marks on the belly!!! I've been a lucky gal as far as those are concerned.

100_0868 7 weeks

100_1425 38 weeks

100_1429 38 weeks

Whoa Baby! That's a big belly. If I go one more place and hear someone say I'm "not very big" or my "belly is so small" I'm going to scream. Seriously???!! How much more baby do you think I can hold?!

1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

gosh Kristy, you are soooo tiny. I can't believe how small you are!!
lol! jk, you look fab girl. glad you are feeling mo better. take it easy as long as you can!