Thursday, May 28, 2009

Swimming and other fun things!

Memorial Day weekend was low-key for us, we pretty much spent the weekend and Monday with ourselves. :-) I love family time and hanging out at the house. On Saturday afternoon we did actually go swimming with Kevin out in Manor. It was Lizzie's first time wearing sunscreen and a bathing suit, and her 1st time swimming. She liked it very much; she was so interested and alert. Bradyn had a blast too, of course! We got washed out by a big storm and rainfall, but we still had tons of fun! Thank you Kevin for inviting us!

Sunday included a family trip to Super H-E-B. Wow. Always an adventure with 2 kids! We came home and Keith grilled out pork chops. Here's a shot we got after it rained on Sunday....

On Monday we all got to sleep a little bit late. Bradyn normally wakes up every morning at 7am, but since the sun has been rising earlier, he's been getting up earlier. He graced us with his presence at 6:29 am Memorial Day morning. Poor little guy. If it'd been just 30 minutes later, one of us would've gotten up with him, but 6:29? Baby still asleep? Eeeek! Couldn't do it. Keith told him it was NOT time to get up yet and to go back to bed. Normally that would've elicited a fit, but he only whimpered a little and said "OK"--- slept till 8:15. :-) I spent the morning looking at and trying to decide which new cloth diapers I was going to order for Lizzie. We bought Bradyn a little pool with a slide on it and he played outside while Keith smoked a Boston Butt. No, our pool isn't as cool as Kevin's, but it'll have to work. Bradyn had the best time swimming, sliding, playing with water squirters, and running around.

When Lizzie woke up from her LOOOOONG nap, we went outside and played with brother in the pool, not even bothering to put a swim suit or swim diaper on her! That evening, we had the most delicious pulled pork sandwiches. My husband is becoming a master at grilling and smoking. Everything he makes is so delicious and I am glad he has so much fun cooking out!

Elizabeth is now obsessed with putting either her hands (more specifically her thumb)or her feet in her mouth. Yes, over the weekend she learned to suck on her toes. It's HILARIOUS and quite adorable.

Look at that flexibility!

Bradyn's new thing is he lays down by Elizabeth and looks into her eyes and says, "Ewizabuf, I wuv you. You're my best friend Ewizabuf." SOOOO sweet! She loves watching Bradyn as he's playing too. Bradyn can provide her (and me) with hours of non-stop activity and excitement. Keyword: non-stop. :-)


The Allen Family said...

the rainbow pic is great and Lizzies toes look yummy

Misty said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend. I love low-key weekends. We never have them anymore. Too much is always going on. Elizabeth is so adorable. Those toes do look yummy! Could they possibly be better than pulled pork sandwiches? ;)
I always enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up.