Tuesday, August 19, 2008

IT'S A.....

...just kidding... we don't know the sex yet. At my appointment today (16w 3d) I got up the nerve to ask the dr. for a sonogram, and he said he'd go check to see if the u/s room was open, but then he turned around and said, "Why don't we wait until September?" NOOOOOO!!!!! Grrrrr. So, I scheduled my Level II ultrasound for September 19th and my next OB appt. is on the 23rd. Oh well, I guess we'll wait a few more weeks. We heard the heartbeat via Doppler and it was a strong 150+ bpm. Also, I did not gain any weight over the last month, but I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing... the doctor didn't say anything, so I'm assuming it's not bad. I'll probably see a huge weight gain over the next 4-5 weeks.

Ha ha, I kept trying to turn over on my stomach last night while I was sleeping, but would have to turn back over because my belly is getting uncomfortable to lay on. I haven't felt the baby move yet, but I am anticipating this soon. I first felt flutters with Bradyn at 19 weeks and Keith was able to feel kicking at 21 weeks. So exciting!!

Beginning September 2nd, Bradyn will be attending a Mother's Day Out Preschool at Hutto Baptist Church. He will go to school on Tues/Thurs from 9am-2pm. We had Orientation last night and Bradyn met his teacher, Mrs. Tracy and her aide, Mrs. Leigh. I thought it was ironic (Tracy is my dad's first name for those of you who may not know, and Leigh Ann is my dad's sister's name, my aunt)..... at least I won't forget their names! There are 8 kids in the class, including Bradyn, and they will be taking part in a program which includes religious concepts, music, art, motor development, math, science, and language development. I am so excited and thankful that Bradyn can have this experience; I think he is really going to benefit from the social interaction in so many ways. His verbal skills took off in May (and some of the things he says are so cute), but Keith and I are expecting a huge leap in his communication after he starts school and is around other children and adults. I am looking forward to some time by myself as well, before I have 2 kiddos on my hands! 10 hours a week will be such a blessing to get stuff done that is sometimes difficult to do with a rambunctious 2 1/2 yr. old... baby shopping and getting a room ready for the new baby, Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving preparations, and planning and shopping for Bradyn's birthday party. I also plan on pampering myself with pedicures when my belly gets to the point that I cannot see my feet, much less reach them. Keith is boarding a plane right now to go to Maryland to get a certification under his belt, and I think Bradyn and I will spend the rest of the week school shopping. He needs a new backpack, lunchbox, and pair of shoes. Keith will be back Friday morning/afternoon sometime. I miss my husband so much when he is gone on his trips, but I do enjoy a break from cooking every single night. Bradyn and I eat grilled cheese, PB&J, or go to Sonic or order a pizza. YUM!

1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

OH my dear the weight gain thing is fine. I went a couple months with no gain and then had a growth spurt. I think Bman is gonna love his new school! He is already so smart, he's gonna be great!