Sunday, August 24, 2008

There's a baby in there afterall!

So, at long last, I felt my sweet baby move today! It was actually quite different than what I first experienced with Bradyn. I noticed Bradyn's first movements at 19 weeks exactly, and it was the typical "butterfly", "flutters", "similar to a gas bubble" description you normally hear about. Today was much different..... I was sitting on the couch, raised my shirt up and stuck my fat belly out. Keith put his hands on it and started mashing around to see if he could feel anything. All of a sudden I jumped and said, "Oh my gosh! I think I felt it," and started laughing! I sat there for a few minutes with my hands on my stomach and it did it again! I immediately teared up! Instead of flutters this time around, it felt more like a wave or like the kiddo was doing sommersaults in my uterus. It felt like when you're on a rollercoaster ride or in a car and go downhill and it "gets" your stomach, except way down low. WOW!!!! Proof of life besides hearing the heartbeat every 4 weeks at the doctor's office! I'm so excited; this pregnancy is about to get good! This squirmy creature, :-) boy or girl, should keep me quite occupied until September 19th!

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