Sunday, August 3, 2008

Busy, busy Beckers!

So, as everyone probably knows by now, we are getting ready to welcome our 2nd baby on (or around) January 31st, 2009. We are so happy to finally be expecting, being that we had been trying to conceive since August 2007. I have to admit I was getting frustrated with the whole process, but everything is in God's timing and for that I am so thankful. May is a sentimental month for me, being that that's when Dad's birthday is, and as silly as it sounds, I can't help but think that God and my dad collaborated and decided May was the month to give our family this new life.

Psalm 139:13-16: "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be."

I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant, which makes me a brand new 2nd trimester member! My chances of having a miscarriage have dramatically decreased at this point. My next doctor's appointment is August 19th. I'm going to beg my dr. to do a sonogram to see if we can identify the sex! If we don't find out in August, it looks like we'll have to wait it out until September at our Level II sonogram. Below are pictures of my 14 week belly, from the side and from the front.

Keith recently got a much needed and well deserved week vacation from the daily grind. He had a wonderful break from work, and Bradyn and I enjoyed having him here so much. He is so good at what he does and always works so hard for our family. I am so blessed and thankful to have such a smart, hardworking husband. David, Hafida, and Ephram came to Austin to visit for a few days and we had a good visit. The guys (and Hafida!) played Rockband on the Nintendo Wii and had a ball. Bradyn and his cousin Ephram played like crazy and had so much fun together. They get along so well. We went camping at Lake Sommerville on Wednesday, July 23rd despite the hurricane that was hitting South Texas.... we had a great time, but we'll definitely be sure to check the forecast a little better next time. We decided to pack up and come home a day early because we could tell it was going to rain. Keith celebrated his 28th birthday on July 24th!! We relaxed at home for a couple of days and were off to Schlitterbahn on July 28th. Bradyn had the BEST TIME!!!!! With our trip to the beach in April for my birthday, our camping trip to Lake Sommerville for Keith's birthday, and our day at the waterpark, I'm pretty sure we're making Bradyn into a bonafide water-baby! That's our goal since Keith and I love the water so much! Enjoy the pictures! BTW--We don't have Schlitterbahn pictures just yet. I had a waterproof camera and have to get them developed the old fashioned way, ha ha.

Port Aransas in April, goofing around!

Waving at daddy

Camping during the hurricane! And here comes the rain and wind!

Our tent holding strong!

I caught a 5 in. white bass!


The Andreuccis said...

You did a great job on the blog! It looks very cute!

Michele said...

I am so proud of you both. You are wonderful parents to expose that little prince to this wonderful world that we live in. Remember that your cousin Michele loves you all very much!