Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mystery bug

So my poor Bradyn has had some sort of bug the last couple of days. It started on Sunday night; he was watching cartoons and started moaning and saying his tummy hurt. I was like, "Crap! The stomach bug!" We went through that about a year ago and I am terrified one (or all) of us are going to get it right before labor or shortly after the baby is here. I'm psychotic about hand washing these days. :)  Anyways, I asked Bradyn if he thought he was going to throw up and told him to follow me in the bathroom. Then I asked him if he needed to poop and he freaked out (long story short.... he will NOT poop in the pot for some unknown reason and gets frantic at the sheer mention of it) and started crying and backing out of the bathroom. I told him to come back and if he went in there and puked on my couch or carpet I was going to be upset! I let him go lay down again and he kept saying he was freezing. I put two blankets over him and sat down by him and realized he was burning up! I took his temperature and it was 102. Then I saw that he'd just had a full cup of milk! Ewwwwwww! I suppose with his fever that his milk was turning to cottage cheese in his tummy. I felt terribly sorry for him, but was relieved to know it was probably just that and not the stomach flu. His fever lingered between 100-102.7 for 48 hours and he had to stay home from school on Tuesday. When we woke up this morning, he was fine!!! Besides the fever, NOTHING else was ever wrong with him! I'm not complaining though, we didn't need a doctor appointment or Rx medicine with the whole ordeal--PHEW!!!!!!!

Well, I am pretty much done with the nursery. I need to get a few things to hang on the walls, but I'm not entirely worried about that at this point. Packing my hospital bag is more at the top of my list than that. Below are a few pictures. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge it.





1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

Great job Kristy. Wyatt has that same bouncy seat and LOVES it!